Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 362: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PLACEMENT


As a student advances from elementary and junior high school to high school, student advancement shifts from grade level to course level. The Principal is authorized to place a student in a particular course or particular program in harmony with the following procedures.


  1. High school services that may result in alteration or modification of a student's regular program include:
    1. Knowledge and Employability Courses (See Administrative Procedure 214).
    2. Challenge examinations;
    3. Dual Credit,  RAP, Green Certificate programming
    4. Waiver of prerequisite requirements;
    5. Evaluation of out-of-province courses/credits.
  2. Student placement shall take place following consultation with:
    1. The student;
    2. The parent(s) of the student if under eighteen (18) unless the student is declared independent;
    3. Appropriate teachers, counsellors, or Assistant Superintendent, Student Services, if required.
  3. Students requiring special services for placement purposes shall contact the Principal who shall follow the principles and procedures outlined in Alberta Education Regulations for the specific service requested.
  4. All decisions in regards to student placement may be appealed to the Superintendent.



Section 31, 52, 53, 197, 222 Education Act
Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12


Approved: January 9, 1996

Amended: November 13, 2000; August 21, 2018