Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 180: Appendix A: Collection of Personal Information Notice

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act sets controls and standards on how public bodies, such as school boards, collect, use and disclose personal information that is in their custody or under their control.

The FOIP Act requires that school boards collect personal information directly from individuals the information is about, that these individuals be provided with the legal authority for the collection, be explained the purpose of the collection and how the information will be used, and be provided a contact person should they have any questions relating to this activity.

The information collected as part of the school registration process is personal information as referred to in the FOIP Act. This personal information is collected pursuant to the provisions of the School Act and its regulations (e.g. for the establishment of a student record, determination of residency) and pursuant to section 33(c) of the FOIP Act as the collection is related directly to and is necessary to a school board's obligation to provide students with an education program that meets their needs and to provide a safe and secure school environment (e.g. program placement, determination of eligibility and/or suitability for provincial or federal funding, contact and health related information in the event of problems or emergencies). Personal information may also be provided to the Minister of Education for the purpose of carrying out programs, activities or policies by the Ministry (e.g. research, statistical analysis).

Once the information is collected and compiled, the Division believes the uses listed below are part of a vital, healthy and functioning school and participation of all students is important and encouraged. Here are examples of activities where the information may be used:

  • The taking of individual, class, team or club photos for school purposes.
  • The use of student information, including photos, for the issuance of transit/bus transportation passes and for other identification purposes.
  • The videotaping of students on Division buses for the purpose of safe and secure transport of students to and from school and related activities.
  • The use of student's names in honour rolls, graduation ceremonies, scholarship or other awards within the school or Division.
  • The use of student's names and academic information necessary for determining eligibility or suitability for provincial, federal or other types of awards or scholarships in the event the Division applies on a student's behalf.
  • The use of student's names, related contact information and telephone numbers for absenteeism verification.
  • The taking of photos and/or videos of classroom activities, and their use by the media or other organizations where students are not interviewed or identified by name. Where individual students are identified or interviewed and the material will be used outside the school a separate and specific consent will be required. You will be contacted prior to this event taking place. Please note that photos and/or videos of school activities that are open to the general public may be taken and used for purposes within and outside of the school.
  • The taking of photos/videos of classroom or other school activities by the Division where the material will be used within the school. Where individual students are identified or interviewed and the material will be used outside the school, a separate and specific consent will be required. You will be contacted prior to this event taking place.
  • The use of student's names on artwork or other creative work or material of students displayed at school or Division sites or at a school or Division sponsored display in the community, provided a Parental Consent Form is properly completed.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection and the intended purposes, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer.



Sections 52, 53, 65, 68, 222 Education Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
FOIP Regulation 200/95


Approved: August 21, 2018