Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 207: REMEMBRANCE DAY OBSERVATION


The Division recognizes and gladly accepts the responsibility to direct schools to pay honour and respect to those who served in the World Wars and other international military conflicts as outlined in the Remembrance Day Act.


  1. On Remembrance Day, the Principal shall:
    1. Arrange for a remembrance ceremony that will encompass at least the time period from 11:00 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., or
    2. Ensure the observance of two (2) minutes of silence from 11:00 a.m. to 11:02 a.m.
  2. If a ceremony referred to in section 1 is held at a school, all students shall either attend the ceremony or remain in the school, silent, during the ceremony.
  3. If the school is not open on Remembrance Day, the Principal is to comply with this Administrative Procedure on the school day most immediately preceding Remembrance Day.


Section 16, 18, 58.1, 196, 197, 222 Education Act
Alberta Bill of Rights
Alberta Human Rights Act
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982
Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act
Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12
Remembrance Day Act


Approved: April 11, 1995

Amended: February 7, 2012; January 9, 2018; August 21, 2018