Agriculture Education

May 1, 2023

Sustainable Agriculture Education Partnership (SAEP)

The Sustainable Agriculture Education Partnership Board has generously provided Westwind Teachers with multiple $500 grants…

May 1, 2023

Sustainable Agriculture Education Partnership (SAEP)

The Sustainable Agriculture Education Partnership Board has generously provided Westwind Teachers with multiple $500 grants…

June 20, 2023

Overview of all SAEP projects 2022-2023

The link that is posted below will take you to a slideshow that highlights all of the projects that SAEP provided grants…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: CJHS & MES Ag Mechanical Tool Kit

Project: Agriculture Mechanical Tool Kit Mr. Warren Anderson, Mrs. Carley Taylor, Mrs. Megan Logie  Cardston Junior High…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Mountain View Steer Program 2022-2023

Project: Steer Program Mr. Curtis Leishman - Mountain View School Goal: To continue to build the steer program by purchasing…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Magrath High School Fodder Farm 2022-2023

Project: Fodder Farm Mr. Jared Leavitt - Magrath High School Goal: To produce fodder in the classroom to feed the student's…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Mountain View Poultry Program 2022-2023

Project: Poultry Program Mr. Mike Romeril - Mountain View School Goal: To continue to build the poultry program at the…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Cardston Elementary Bunny Project 2022-2023

Project: Bunny Project Mrs. Traci Aipperspach - Cardston Elementary School Goal: Create and develop a program centered…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Wolf Creek Colony Sunshine Patch 2022-2023

Project: Sunshine Patch  Mrs. Sheronna-Jo Romeril - Wolf Creek Colony School Goal: To start an indoor green space in the…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Mountain View Apiary Program 2022-2023

Project: Apiary Program Mr. Jeff Hill - Mountain View School Goal: Continue to build the Apiary program at the Mountain…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Magrath Elementary Vertical Growing Wall 2022-2023

Project: Vertical Hydroponic Growing Wall  Mr. Aric Wutzke - Magrath Elementary School Goal: To produce enough lettuce…

May 3, 2023

SAEP Grant Recipient: Mountain View Tower Garden Project 2022-2023

Project: Aeroponic School Tower Gardens Mr. Ryan Barfuss - Mountain View School Goal: To have students make the connection…