Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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The Board will establish committees to assist it to carry out its work. Committees may perform the following functions:

  • Be empowered to act on behalf of the Board;
  • Conduct research and report back to the Board with recommendations; and
  • Perform a liaison function.

The Board will determine the terms of reference for each committee, including purpose, powers and duties, membership, and meeting requirements. Board committees shall only exercise such powers as are specifically assigned by the Board.

Committees may be standing or ad hoc in nature.

General Requirements

  1. Records shall be kept of all committee meetings, but shall not be part of the official Board record except as entered into the record by official Board motion.
  2. All committees shall be provided an opportunity to report at the regular monthly Board meeting.
  3. The Board Chair shall be an “ex officio” member of each Board committee.
  4. The Superintendent or designate shall attend each meeting of a Board committee.
  5. The committee shall appoint a recording secretary for its meetings.
  6. Meetings of the committee shall be held on a “needs” basis, however, all members of the committee shall be given at least one (1) weeks’ notice of the committee meeting.

Standing Committees

  1. Board Committee of the Whole

    The Board Committee of the Whole is established as a standing committee of the Board, with responsibilities for work as detailed below
    1.  Purpose
      1. To allow the Board to explore matters in much greater depth than can be accomplished in a scheduled meeting of the Board.
      2. To receive and solicit information from the Superintendent relevant to the development of various system activities and plans.
      3. To provide the opportunity for planned professional development activities for trustees.
    2. Powers and Duties
      1. The committee has no specific powers other than to hear initiatives and proposals that will be brought to regular Board meetings for consideration and action. No decisions can be made at this committee level.
    3.  Membership
      1. All trustees.
      2. Board Chair, to serve as Chair of the committee.
      3. Superintendent and designate(s).
    4.  Meetings
      1. As required.

  2. Audit Committee
    1. Purpose
      1. To assist the Board and the Superintendent in fulfilling their oversight responsibilities for the financial reporting process, the system of internal control over financial reporting, the audit process (including Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS) compliance), and monitoring the Division’s compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to financial operations. The function of the audit committee is also to help the auditors to remain independent of management.
      2. Powers and Duties
        1. Recommend external auditors to the Board.
        2. Review with management and the auditors all matters required to be communicated to the entire board.
        3. Review the annual financial statements and report to the board.
      3. Membership
        1. The audit committee shall comprise at least two members who are not trustees. 
      4. Meetings
        1. The committee will meet at least once a year, with the authority to convene additional meetings, as circumstances require.
          1. All committee members are expected to attend each meeting, in person or via tele- or video-conference
          2. The Committee will invite members of management, auditors or others to attend meetings and provide pertinent information, as necessary.
          3. It may hold private meetings with auditors.
          4. Minutes of the meeting will be prepared. Committee reports shall be provided at a meeting of the Board. The secretarial function will be determined by the Superintendent or designate.
  3. Board/ATA Liaison Committee

    The Board/ATA Liaison Committee is established as a standing committee of the Board, with responsibilities for work as detailed below:
    1. Purpose
      1. To meet with representatives for the ATA Local #12 to foster effective communication and involve staff in a collaborative decision-making process.
      2. To discuss areas of mutual interest between representatives from ATA Local #12 and the Board and to provide an avenue for feedback on Division operations.
    2. Powers and Duties
      1. Meet to discuss Division operations with representatives from ATA Local #12 twice annually and communicate teacher concerns to the Board.
      2. Make recommendations to the Board on proposed advocacy measures and strategies.
    3. Membership
      1. Four (4) trustees
      2. Four (4) representatives from ATA Local #12
      3. Superintendent
      4. Chair will be selected by the committee
    4. Meetings
      1. Board/ATA Liaison Committee shall meet twice annually

  4. Management Committee

    The Management Committee is established as a four-member standing committee of the Board and has three (3) sub-committees as identified below.

    1. ATA Negotiating Sub-Committee
      The ATA Negotiating Sub-Committee has responsibilities for work as detailed below:
      1. Purpose
        1. To negotiate a collective agreement with the ATA Local #12 negotiating sub-committee.
      2. Powers and Duties
        1. Establish Board proposals within established Board mandates and guidelines.
        2. Negotiate with Teachers’ representatives.
        3. Recommend action to the Board on negotiation issues.
      3. Membership
        1. Two (2) trustees, one (1) to act as Chair.
        2. Superintendent and/or designate.
        3. External consultants as may be required.
      4. Meetings
        1. As required to negotiate and/or interpret agreements.

    2. Grievance Sub-Committee
      The Grievance Sub-Committee has responsibilities for work as detailed below:
      1. Purpose
        1. To hear ATA Collective Agreement grievances and resolve grievances if possible.
      2. Powers and Duties
        1. Attend grievance hearings as required under the ATA Collective Agreement and render a decision in relation to the grievance.
        2. Keep the Board informed on all matters of official ATA grievances that arises.
      3. Membership
        1. Two (2) trustees.
      4. Meetings
        1. As required to resolve grievance issues in accordance with the ATA Collective Agreement.

    3. Non-Unionized Employees Sub-Committee
      The Non-Unionized Employees Sub-Committee has responsibilities for work as detailed below:
      1. Purpose
        1. To recommend appropriate salary and benefits positions to the Board for non-union employees.
      2. Powers and Duties
        1. Solicit recommendations from employees as they arise.
        2. Obtain comparative salary and benefits data from other employers.
        3. Recommend changes in salary and benefits levels to the Board for consideration.
      3. Membership
        1. Four (4) trustees; one (1) to act as Chair.
        2. Superintendent and/or designate(s).
      4. Meetings
        1. Annually in the spring of each year and as required throughout the year to address issues arising.

  5. Student Engagement Committee
    1. Purpose
      1. To provide the Board with regular and ongoing perspectives on how the Division can better engage students in the Board’s decision making and ultimately how the Division can continually improve the quality of student education throughout the Division. Students on the Student Engagement Team will work collaboratively with the Board to enhance the level of student engagement and quality of education. Specifically, the Student Engagement Team will:
        1. Bring forward opportunities and challenges affecting enhancing student engagement that can be incorporated into the Division’s Three Year Education Plan.
        2. Provide input on how to improve the overall quality of education throughout the Division.
    2. Powers and Duties
      1. The Board is committed to a meaningful, transparent and open engagement process with student representatives in each of the Division’s high school programs which will:
        1. Engage Division high school students.
        2. Provide opportunities for student input into the Board’s decision-making process.
        3. Provide Division high school students with an opportunity to have input into the Division’s Three Year Education Plan.
        4. Provide Division high school students with an opportunity to share from their perspective what is and what is not working in their schools and classrooms for students.
        5. Provide Division high school students with leadership and mentorship opportunities.
        6. Communicate to students how their input affected the Board’s decision making and the development of the Division’s Three Year Education Plan.
      2. Responsibilities of the Student Engagement Team members
        1. Accept and adhere to the Terms of Reference.
        2. Actively participate throughout all meetings, providing relevant information and input, and engaging in discussion.
        3. Provide perspectives from own area of interest and experience, while balancing inquiry into the views and opinions of others.
        4. Read the meeting notes and other materials provided and come to meetings prepared.
        5. Work in cooperation with the Board and members of the executive team in a positive, constructive way, and to provide input, advice and comment that will support meaningful engagement.
        6. Act as a communication conduit, bringing forward ideas, issues and information from their respective school student bodies.
        7. Share non-confidential information to their fellow students and staff members as appropriate.
      3. Responsibilities of the trustee and teacher members
        1. Create a safe environment that fosters dialogue and encourages participation from all Student Engagement Team members.
        2. Ensure meetings stay focused on the objectives and the agenda, while also ensuring the process meets the needs of the Engagement Team members.
        3. Manage group dynamics and internal relationships and ensure ground rules are followed.
        4. Develop meeting agendas, and produce and distribute meeting notes that accurately reflect discussion.
        5. Remain neutral and advocate for the engagement process.
      4. The decision on whether to implement feedback received from students on the Student Engagement Team rests entirely with the Board and the Board has a long standing practice of engaging stakeholders so input from the Engagement Team will be highly considered by the Board. The Board will review the input and incorporate as appropriate, communicating to team members how their input affected the Board’s final decisions.
      5. When beneficial to the Student Engagement Team and the Board, the Team may wish to report on its discussions with the broader community. Processes for communication will be as mutually agreed by students and the Board.
      6. Team members agree to respect that information distributed to the group, by email or at meetings may be deemed as confidential. Specific key messages and ideas will be summarized and agreed to by the team for communication back to their groups.
    3. Membership
      1. Four (4) trustees.  Efforts will be made to ensure that Trustee/Admin representation provides maximum coverage of the division. 
      2. Superintendent and/or designate(s).
      3. Three (3) administrators; two (2) from Raymond/Stirling/Magrath, one (1) from Cardston. 
      4. The Student Engagement Team will be as inclusive as possible and include individuals who represent a diverse array of students. High school representation will not include more than 2 grade 12 student representatives and school administration will ensure a balanced representation of the school population. Selected students may or may not  be from elected student government.
        1. High school students from grades 10-12 from each of the following schools will be selected to be members of the Board’s Student Engagement Team Committee:
          1. Six (6) students from Cardston High School; including at least two First Nations students
          2. Five (5) students from Magrath High School
          3. Five (5) students from Raymond High School
          4. Four (4) students from Stirling High School
          5. Three (3) students from the Westwind Alternate School
      5. 4.3.5 Student Engagement Team membership will be for a term of one (1) school year.
        1. Students may be asked to continue in a subsequent year(s). 
    4. Meetings
      1. Students will be invited to a minimum of two (2) meetings with one (1) being in the fall and the other in the spring.
        1. Meetings will commence with a lunch being served at 12:00 p.m. followed by a two (2) hour meeting.
        2. Meetings will be held at the Division Office or alternate location as determined.
        3. The exact dates of meetings will be determined on a meeting by meeting basis.
      2. Student Engagement Team members are encouraged to attend all meetings. As the discussions and recommendations at one (1) meeting will build on those of previous meetings, it is important to have continuity. Regular attendance by members will help ensure informed discussion and consistent representation of the broader stakeholder group.
      3. Transportation
        1. Student transportation to the Student Engagement Team Committee meetings will be provided by the Division.

Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees may be established from time-to-time to assist the Board for a specific purpose or function. The terms of reference for each ad hoc committee will be established at the time of formation. The term of appointment shall end upon conclusion of the appointed purpose or function, or at the pleasure of the Board.

Resource Personnel

The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with committees and shall determine the roles, responsibilities, and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.


Legal Reference:

Sections 33, 37, 51, 52, 53, 64, 67, 222 Education Act
Collective Agreements


Approved: November 14, 1994

Amended: November 2, 1998; August 21, 2018; September 17, 2018; January 16, 2020