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Administrative Procedure 150: DIVISION COMMUNICATIONS


Effective communications are essential in the Division.  The Division must develop and maintain effective communications between itself, the schools, the parents, and the community. All stakeholders are to be kept fully informed on Division decisions, policies, procedures and programs. The Division must maintain open interactive communication by offering individuals and groups opportunities for input into decision and policy making.

Maintaining the high-quality education provided in the Division requires healthy partnerships between home, school and community; partnerships that are founded on trust, credibility, shared vision and responsibility for input and constructive feedback.


  1. The Superintendent shall promote an effective Communication Plan which encourages:
    1. Student learning;
    2. Recognition and reporting of student achievement and success;
    3. Accurate, timely information about budget, policies, procedures, programs, achievements, decisions, and critical issues;
    4. Understanding of decisions and actions;
    5. Building of credibility and trust, and elimination of rumours and misinformation;
    6. Promotion of public interest and participation in the Division;
    7. Programs and practices designed to provide an open climate which will elicit ideas, suggestions, and reactions from the community and employees alike;
    8. An effective working relationship with the news media; and
    9. Sensitivity to public attitudes towards Division activities.

  2. The Division shall refrain from taking any active position with regard to municipal operations. (e.g. petitions, plebiscites, etc.)

  3. The Communication Plan shall require that all Division staff share the responsibility for communication of Division and school procedures, programs and activities. Effective communications will enable the Division to harness the ideas, energy and talent of people in our community in creating powerful learning environments and to continue to improve the quality of education offered students throughout the Division.

  4. The Communication Plan shall:
    1. Establish goals and objectives;
    2. Identify target audiences, include proposed actions, assign responsibility for implementation; and
    3. Provide for evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan.

  5. Periodic review of the Communication Plan may be carried out in conjunction with the development of the Division Four-Year Education Plan and the Annual Education Results Report.

  6. The Communications Officer will work collaboratively with departments and schools to ensure messaging related to Division activities, programs and events is available, consistent and aligned with established priorities and goals.

  7. Parents have the responsibility to review the program of studies approved by Alberta Education and the course outlines provided by teachers to ensure that they are aware of what is being taught in classrooms.


Section 52, 53, 68, 196, 197, 204, 222, 225, 256 Education Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Approved: August 21, 2018

Updated: July 2021; May 16, 2022