Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 182: VIDEO SURVEILLANCE ON SCHOOL BUSES


In order to provide for the personal safety and security of students and staff and property belonging to the Division, the Division supports the use of video surveillance practices on student transportation vehicles believing that such practices shall through deterrence, encourage good behaviour and promote safe practices. Student misbehaviour increases the potential risk of injury to students or damage to property. As the behaviour of students is a significant factor in the safety and efficiency of school transportation systems, the Division supports the use and implementation of video monitoring practices on student transportation vehicles in accordance with the procedures established herein.


  1. Camera Location, Operation and Control
    1. The Division may equip school buses and other Division vehicles which are owned and operated by the Division with video recording devices for monitoring student behaviour.
    2. Video recording devices may be rotated between vehicles without prior notice to students.
    3. Video recording devices may be installed on vehicles used for the transportation of students when the administrators have received complaints of inappropriate behaviour or have reason to believe that behaviour problems exist or are about to occur.
    4. Video monitoring equipment shall be in operation during the time the school bus completes its route.
    5. The Transportation Supervisor shall be responsible to audit the use and security of surveillance cameras, including monitors and recordings.
  2. Notification
    1. One (1) or more signs of a highly visible nature shall be conspicuously placed in each school transportation vehicle notifying riders that an audio and a video record may be made.
    2. Students shall be informed at the beginning of each school year and as necessary during the school year that the Division will be recording student behaviour on school transportation vehicles and the purposes for such practices.
    3. All transportation drivers or transportation contractors shall be made aware of the Division’s procedures on video surveillance on school transportation vehicles.
    4. It shall be the responsibility of the Principal to notify the School Council and parents of video monitoring practices.
    5. All staff involved in the transportation of students shall be made aware of the Division’s video surveillance procedures.
  3. Use of Video Recordings
    1. A video recording of actions by student passengers may be used by the Division or administrators as evidence in any disciplinary action brought against any student, arising out of the student's conduct on the school transportation vehicle, and for the enforcement of transportation and school rules.
    2. Video recordings of students or others riding on Division vehicles may be reviewed or audited, for the purposes of determining adherence to Division, Division contractor's, and or school rules respecting safety and transportation of students and to determine if a reported incident of misconduct, vandalism or property damage has been captured on the recording.
    3. The records may be monitored by staff on a random and non-random basis and as deemed necessary and prudent in order to ensure for the safety and security of the student passengers, and Division property, adherence to school rules and the fulfillment of safe and secure transportation practices by all drivers, employees and students.
    4. Video recordings may be released to third parties or applicants in conformance with the provisions contained in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and any rules or regulations contained thereunder.
    5. The Division may use video surveillance to detect or deter criminal offences which occur in view of the cameras.
    6. The Division or its administrators may use video surveillance for:
      1. Inquiries and proceedings relating to law enforcement.
      2. Student discipline.
      3. Deterrence.
    7. The Division shall not use video surveillance for other purposes unless expressly authorized by or under an Act or under an enactment.
  4. Security and Retention of Recordings
    1. All recordings not in use shall be securely stored in locked receptacle.
    2. All recordings that have been used for the purpose of this Administrative Procedure shall be numbered and dated and retained according to camera site.
    3. The individual responsible for enforcement of video monitoring practices must authorize access to all media records.
    4. A log shall be maintained of all episodes of access to, or use of the recorded material.
      Any and all records containing personal information which has been used to make a decision that directly affects an individual shall be retained for a minimum of one (1) year. All other records shall be retained for thirty (30) days.
    5. The individual designated responsible for the administration of the Administrative Procedure shall ensure that a recording release form (Form 182-1) is completed before disclosing recordings to appropriate authorities or third parties.
    6. Any such disclosure shall only be made in accordance with applicable legislation.
      The recording release form (Form 182-1) is to indicate the individual or organization who took the recording, the date of the occurrence, or when and if the recording will be returned or destroyed by the authority or individual after use.
  5. Disposal and Destruction of Recordings
    1. All recordings shall be disposed of in a secure manner. Recordings are to be shredded, burned or degaussed.
  6. Video Monitors and Viewing
    1. Only the Transportation Supervisor or individuals authorized by that officer, and members of the police shall have access to video monitors while they are in operation.
    2. Video monitors are to be in controlled access areas wherever possible.
    3. Records are to be viewed on a need to know basis only, in such a manner as to avoid public viewing.
  7. Disclosure
    1. Recordings shall not be disclosed except in accordance with this Administrative Procedure.
    2. Disclosure of video records shall be on a need to know basis, in order to comply with the Division’s objectives, including the promotion of the safety and security of students, implementation and maintenance of transportation safety rules, adherence and monitoring of Board policies, administrative procedures and school rules, including school discipline matters.
  8. Access to Personal Information
    1. An individual who is the subject of video surveillance has the right to request access to the recording in accordance with the provisions contained under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Access in full or part may be refused on one of the grounds set out within the legislation.
  9. Consultation
    1. The effectiveness of the video surveillance operation shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Transportation Supervisor, with a report being prepared and presented to the Superintendent by September 30 of each year.


Section 11, 33, 52, 53, 197, 222, 225 Education Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Approved: August 21, 2018