Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 219: LOCALLY DEVELOPED COURSES


The Division recognizes that under special circumstances it may be necessary and/or desirable to acquire or develop and then approve locally-developed courses to meet the needs of students. When such situations do arise, it is imperative that development and approval strictly comply with Alberta Education regulations.


  1. When a Principal desires to offer a locally-developed course whether developed by the Division or another board or authority, a “request to acquire” must be made by the Superintendent. Upon approval, a motion of the Board shall be required before it is authorized for use.

  2. The Board, by Board motion, may develop or acquire and then approve locally developed course subject to the guidelines and regulations of Alberta Education.

  3. All senior high courses being offered for credit must be authorized by Alberta Education.

  4. Locally developed courses for elementary or junior high schools may be approved and authorized by the Board as deemed appropriate.


Section 16, 19, 52, 53, 58, 196, 197, 222 Education Act
Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12


Approved: April 15, 1996

Amended: May 6, 2014, October 11, 2001; August 21, 2018