Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 345: STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT


The Division expects all students to conduct themselves in such a manner as to show respect for themselves and all others in the division and community. It is therefore expected that students will demonstrate proper social decorum, constraint and respect in all interactions with peers, staff and the public. Bullying behaviour cannot be condoned, no matter where or when it may occur and whenever school staff become aware of bullying behaviour, they are expected to take appropriate and reasonable steps to curb the behaviour, protect the victim, and preserve/restore feelings of safety and belonging.

The Education Act includes responsibilities for school boards, parents, staff and students to contribute to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.

By nature, board policy is generally characterized by board statements and directives, there is an expectation that schools will further refine and define a school-level code that reflects the community, students, staff and parents of that particular school.

Statement of Purpose

  1. To establish and maintain a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment for all students and school staff.

  2. To establish and maintain an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in the school community.

  3. To establish and publish expectations for student behaviour while at school, at a school-related activity or while engaging in any other activity that may have an impact on others in the school.

  4. Section 4 of the Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin,  marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation. Discrimination or bullying behaviour on any of these prohibited grounds is unacceptable.


  1. All students are expected to comply with a list of responsibilities defined in Section 31 of the Education Act, which states a student, as a partner in education, has the responsibility to
    1. attend school regularly and punctually,
    2. be ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue the student’s education,
    3. ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging,
    4. respect the rights of others in the school,
    5. refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means,
    6. comply with the rules of the school and the policies of the
    7. co-operate with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services,
    8. be accountable to the student’s teachers and other school staff for the student’s conduct, and
    9. positively contribute to the student’s school and community.
  2. Examples of student behaviour that is deemed to be “acceptable” includes
    1. Respecting yourself and the rights of others, in and out of school.
    2. Make sure your conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment in a school that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging for everyone in your school.
    3. Refrain from, report and refuse to tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour, even where it happens outside of the school or school hours (including social media and other digital means)
    4. Inform an adult that you trust, in a timely manner of incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation or other safety concerns in the school.
    5. Act in a way that honours and appropriately represents you, your family and the school.
    6. Attend school regularly and punctually.
    7. Arrive at school ready to learn and actively engage in your learning.
    8. Know and comply with all school rules.
    9. Show respect for and cooperate with all school staff.
    10. Be respectful and tolerant with all students in your school.
    11. Show respect and appreciation for the school facility and furnishings.
  3. Examples of “unacceptable” behaviours, whether or not the behaviour occurs within the school building, during the school day, or by electronic means, include
    1. Acting in a way that interferes with the learning of others or teachers’ efforts to instruct a class.
    2. Any behaviour that creates an “unsafe” condition for yourself or others.
    3. Any act of insubordination toward any member of the school staff.
    4. Use of vulgar, demeaning or degrading language, messages or gestures.
    5. Any act of aggression with intent to harm another, physically or emotionally
    6. All forms of physical violence.
    7. Acts of bullying, harassment or intimidation – no matter where the act occurs (in or out of a school building or the school day) and includes digital interactions with others, at any time.
    8. Using divisionally-owned or personal technology devices (whether on the school network or not) to engage in illegal, immoral, harassing, intimidating and/or bullying activities.
    9. Acts of retribution toward any person who has intervened to prevent or report inappropriate behaviour or any other incident or safety concern.
    10. Any illegal, immoral or unethical activity.
  4. Students are strictly prohibited from engaging in the following while in school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored/authorized activities and while riding on school buses or other approved transportation:
    1. The use or possession of any tobacco products or smoking materials, including  e-cigarettes, marijuana, hookah/shisha and smokeless tobacco           
    2. selling, using or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs;
    3. possessing weapons (refer to weapons policy);
    4. bullying or fighting;
    5. discriminating against, harassing or hazing other students;
    6. using profane or vulgar language;
    7. wearing clothing which displays vulgar or discriminatory language and/or lewd pictures/graphics;
    8. wearing revealing clothing;
    9. engaging in sexual intimacy or exhibitionism;
    10. submitting, posting, publishing or displaying any obscene, profane, threatening,  
    11. illegal or other inappropriate material on the internet or other electronic devices;
    12. vandalism of personal or school property; and
    13. using the District technology network and other resources to engage in illegal, immoral, unethical, or bullying activities; whether the device is owned by the division or not.
  5. Rules governing student conduct while being transported on school buses or other approved transportation shall be developed by the Division in consultation with the school administration and/or the transportation supervisor.
  6. Responsibility for the enforcement of rules governing student conduct shall rest with the school staff, under the supervision of the principal.
  7. In dealing with incidents of breaches of the student code of conduct, school staff shall consider the student’s the age, maturity and individual circumstances as well as the circumstances of the incident(s) and ensure that all students affected by the behaviour are safe and supported (ie. the victim and perpetrator).
  8. Consequences arising out of unacceptable student conduct shall be consistent with Divisional policy and appropriate to the nature of the offence and any extenuating circumstances.
    1. The primary purpose of consequences should be to correct behaviour and help students make correct choices independent of adult supervision.
    2. Preserving or restoring the dignity of the victim must be a guiding factor when determining appropriate consequences for unacceptable behaviour.
    3. The principal has the responsibility to determine the consequences for students in the school.


  1. The principal of each school shall ensure that a Code of Student Conduct is developed for his/her school in alignment with community values, the Education Act, Alberta Human Rights Act and Board Policy.
    1. In establishing a Code of Student Conduct with accompanying school rules and consequences, there shall be consultation with the students (where appropriate), staff and school council.

  2. The principal of each school will establish school rules and accompanying responses, through education and appropriate consequences, to be determined at the school level and shall apply:
    1. in the school;
    2. on the school grounds;
    3. at school-sponsored, board sponsored or other authorized activities;
    4. on school buses or other forms of approved transportation; and
    5. wherever or whenever a student’s conduct is injurious to the physical or mental well-being of others in a school.

  3. School rules shall be communicated to students and parents/guardians through school/student handbooks, school websites, and/or other print or digital means.
    1. The principal shall review the Code of Student Conduct with students and staff at the beginning of each school year.

  4. School administration will investigate all reports of bullying reported to them, regardless of where and when the incident is alleged to have occurred, whether in or outside of the school day and including digital interactions with others.
    1. In a manner appropriate to their age, maturity and individual circumstances, the school administration shall provide all students (including victim and perpetrator) involved in a bullying incident with the supports needed.

  5. School administration, staff, students and parents all share the responsibility to ensure the school is a welcoming, respectful, safe and caring place where all students can learn and develop their full human potential.

  6. Potential consequences for failing to comply with section 31 of the Education Act and board policies for students may be grounds for suspension or expulsion under Sections 36 & 37 of the Act.

  7. School administration and staff are expected to address all inappropriate actions of students that have an impact on the school, no matter where or when these acts occur (inside or outside of the school day or school building), or by electronic means
    1. All staff will strive to be reasonable, fair and consistent in the application and enforcement of rules regulating student conduct.

Legal Reference

Section 31 Education Act
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Alberta Human Rights Act
Ministerial Order (#042/2019)
Standards for Seclusion and Physical Restraint in Alberta Schools


Approved: April 5, 2016

Amended: February 19, 2019