Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 375: HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION


The Division appreciates the recognition of academic accomplishments in high school graduation ceremonies. Principals are required to develop and maintain procedures applicable to their school.


  1. Graduation ceremonies may include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. Invocation;
    2. Guest Speaker;
    3. Valedictorian Address;
    4. Recognition of Graduates;
    5. Presentation of Certificates;
    6. Student Achievements / Scholarship;
    7. Principal’s Message;
    8. Board Message.
  2. The Board/School/School Council declines to be a sponsor or supporter of any activities outside the formal graduation ceremonies.
  3. Board members, Division Office staff, and other dignitaries will be recognized as part the graduation ceremony.
  4. Principals will correlate dates and notify the Superintendent no later than May 1.


Administrative Procedure 375 Appendix: Graduation Dress Code


Section 31,32,33,52,53,55,197,222 Education Act


Approved: June 22, 2004