Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 430: Appendix B: School Procedures


The Division recognizes the authority of the Principal, in consultation with the school council, staff and students, to institute procedures that reflect community standards and desires in regard to the operation of the school. As well, the Division recognizes that several Board policies and administrative procedures direct the school to have a procedure on specific matters delegated to the school level.


  1. All school procedures relating to students shall be included in a Student/School Handbook.

  2. Parent or student requests for modification of school procedures are to be done at the school level with the involvement of the administration, staff, and school council. Age appropriate student involvement should be sought in these processes.

  3. School procedures shall not contravene the School Act, Collective Agreements, Board policy or administrative procedures.



Section 32,33,52,53,55,197,202,203,204,222 Education Act

Leadership Quality Practice 

Collective Agreement


Approved: May 15, 1995

Amended: April 4, 2007; August 21, 2018