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Administrative Procedure 442: Appendix: Evaluation of Educational Assistants


It shall be the responsibility of the Principal to see that each Educational Assistant in the school is evaluated in regards to his/her job performance, at least one (1) time formally during the school year and more often as may be determined by the principal. Educational Assistants will also be evaluated on an informal, ongoing basis and provided feedback as outlined in this Administrative Procedure.


  1. The Principal may consult with the teaching staff and learning support teachers who work with the Educational Assistant, and members of the administration team in completing the formal evaluation.
  2. Objectives of the evaluation process are to ensure that student needs are met and employee(s) are provided with valid and useful feedback:
    1. Commendable performance will be recognized.
    2. Recommendations will be made where improvement is required.
  3. A formal evaluation shall be in a written format and shall be shared with the employee upon completion. Copies of evaluations will be sent to the Assistant Superintendent and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
    1. The Educational Assistant evaluation form (Form 422-1) will be used in all schools, unless otherwise approved by the Assistant Superintendent.
  4. At least one (1) formal evaluation is to take place before February 28 of the school year unless otherwise approved by the Assistant Superintendent.
  5. An Educational Assistant may also request a formal evaluation.


Educational Assistant Evaluation Report (Form 442-1)


Section 18, 20, 60, 61, 113, 116, 117 School Act

Employment Standards Code

Labour Relations Code


Approved: May 14, 1996

Amended: June 6, 2007; May 6, 2014; August 21, 2018