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Administrative Procedure 160: Appendix A: Incident Reporting Procedures

These incident reporting procedures apply any time a staff member, volunteer, contractor, student or a member of the general public is injured on Division property or while attending a Division supported or sponsored activity.

Student Incident Reporting Procedures

In the event of an incident involving a student the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. If required, first aid will be performed by an individual who is certified to do so. Additional medical care or treatment will be sought if required.
  2. The staff member will notify the principal/school office as soon as possible.
  3. Parents/guardians will be contacted.
  4. The Staff member will complete the online Student Incident Report or Form 160-2 Student Incident Report and then either email the form to the Health and Safety Coordinator or fax it to Central Office (403-653-4641) within 24 hours of the incident.
  5. The incident will be investigated by either the Principal or the Health and Safety Coordinator.

Staff Incident Reporting Procedures

In the event of an incident involving a staff member, the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. If required, first aid will be performed by an individual who is certified to do so. Additional medical care or treatment will be sought and an emergency contact will be notified if required.
  2. The Principal/school office will be notified as soon as possible. 
  3. The injured staff member, a staff witness, or the Principal/Supervisor will submit an accident report form on either Public School Works or by filling out Form 160-1: Staff Incident Report and submitting it by email to the Health and Safety Coordinator or by fax to Central Office (403-653-4641) within 24 hours. If it is a serious incident*, the staff member or principal will contact the Superintendent and Health and Safety Coordinator as soon as possible.
  4. The Health and Safety Coordinator will contact the injured staff member, principal and vice-principals if required and next steps will be discussed.
  5. If a staff member that is covered by WCB** seeks medical attention they must tell the medical practitioner that it was a work-related injury and the Division must report the incident to WCB within 72 hours. If a WCB form needs to be started, the Payroll Manager is notified of the incident and he/she will submit required forms to WCB.

*Serious injuries or incidents are defined as those incidents that:

  • result in a death
  • result in a worker being admitted to hospital
  • involve an unplanned or uncontrolled explosion, fire or flood that causes or may cause a serious injury
  • involve the collapse or upset of a crane, derrick or hoist
  • involve the collapse or failure of any component of a building or structure
  • involve an incident listed in section 40(3) of the OHS Act at a mine

**Some Division staff are not covered under WCB. If a covered worker has been injured, it is required by law to submit the Employer Report of Injury Form (C040) within 72 hours after becoming aware of an injury or illness. The worker may also submit a Worker Report of Injury Form (C060). If the injury is because of a motor vehicle accident; an additional form is required to be submitted - Automobile accident report form (L054).  

A report needs to be submitted to WCB if the accident results in, or is likely to result in:

  • lost time or the need to temporarily or permanently modify work beyond the date of accident,
  • death or permanent disability (amputation, hearing loss, etc.),
  • a disabling or potentially disabling disease or condition caused by occupational exposure or activity (such as a mental health concern, poisoning, infection, respiratory disease, dermatitis etc.),
  • the need for medical or mental health treatment beyond first aid (assessment by a physician, psychologist or mental health provider, physiotherapist, chiropractor, etc.) or
  • incurring medical aid expenses (dental treatment, eyeglass repair or replacement, prescription medications, etc.).]

Volunteer, Contractor or Member of the Public Reporting Procedure

In the event of an incident involving a student the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. If required, first aid will be performed by an individual who is certified to do so. Additional medical care or treatment will be sought if required.
  2. Notify the principal/school office as soon as possible.
  3. Family members/Emergency Contact will be contacted.
  4. The Staff member will complete the online Volunteer/Contractor/Member of the Public Incident Report or Form 160-3 Volunteer/Contractor/Member of the Public Incident Report and then either email the form to the Health and Safety Coordinator or fax it to Central Office (403-653-4641) within 24 hours of the incident.
  5. The incident will be investigated by either the Principal or the Health and Safety Coordinator.

Approved: January 7, 2020

Reviewed: July 2021