Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 307: STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIS)


The Student Information System (known as "SIS") is a Division database used to communicate student information to Alberta Education, track academic achievement, attendance, student services supports, student demographics, incident management and communicate with the Division’s transportation system and with external partners. The goal of SIS is to provide educational policymakers and administrators at all levels of schools, school authorities and government with accurate information on Alberta students. This information is crucial to the planning, decision-making, and evaluation of educational programs throughout the province.


  1. The Division is the primary contact between the schools and Alberta Education for the data collection.
  2. The roles and responsibilities of the Student Information System Coordinator are as follows:
    1. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of student data.
    2. Ensure the required student information communicates with PASI, in a timely fashion to meet all provincial processing and reporting schedules.
    3. To gather and consolidate student data from schools.
    4. To train school personnel in the procedures for collecting and coding student data.
    5. To help school personnel establish and monitor the data collection and verification process required by Alberta Education.
  3. Principals must ensure:
    1. Collection and recording of student data is timely and accurate.
    2. The validity of all student data for completeness and accuracy.
    3. The student online registration is completed annually.
    4. That no student receives a timetable until the student registration form has been received and entered.
    5. The classroom teacher is entering all attendance daily and student achievement data into PowerSchool.


Section 3,33,52,53,56,197,222 Education Act


Approved: August 21, 2018