Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 400: STAFF RECRUITMENT


The employment of qualified professional and support personnel is one of the most important factors in providing excellent educational opportunities for student(s) in the Division. To this end, every effort will be made to recruit the best possible candidate for each position in harmony with the following procedures.


  1. General Hiring Screening
    1. All candidates are subject to a Vulnerable Sector Check.
    2. The Superintendent is responsible for the advertising of staff vacancies. The Superintendent may choose not to advertise certain vacancies at his/her discretion.
    3. Applications for all advertised positions in the Division shall be sent to the Superintendent.
    4. The best applicant, as approved by the Superintendent, shall have first priority at the position, unless that hiring would violate Administrative Procedure 401 – Nepotism.
    5. In the event a vacancy arises for a position that was previously advertised within the past six (6) months, the Superintendent has the option of making the selection from the original applicants instead of re-advertising for the position.
  2. Instructional Staff (Certificated Teachers)
    1. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, in consultation with the Principal, shall be responsible for developing the selection criteria.
    2. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources shall establish and chair an interview panel, comprised of the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, members of the school administrative staff and other members as deemed appropriate by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
      1. Exercising discretion, the Superintendent may delegate the authority to chair an interview panel to someone other than the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
    3. The interview panel, excepting the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, serves in an advisory role, however, the final approval prior to appointment will be made by the Superintendent.
  3. (Non-Teaching) Support Staff
    1. The hiring of support staff shall be the responsibility of the central office administrator with responsibility for the area concerned, in consultation with the immediate supervisor over the area for which the staff member is being hired.
    2. The Superintendent shall initiate the process to fill all job vacancies.
    3. The central office administrator with responsibility for the area concerned shall establish, in consultation with the appropriate supervisor, the selection criteria for all non-teaching support staff.
    4. The central office administrator with responsibility for the area concerned will establish and chair an interview panel consisting of the immediate supervisor and any others as deemed appropriate by the central office administrator with responsibility for the area concerned. The interview panel, excepting the central office administrator with responsibility for the area concerned, serves in an advisory role, and final approval prior to appointment will be made by the Superintendent
      1. Exercising discretion, the Superintendent may delegate the authority to provide final approval and make the appointment to someone other than the Superintendent.
  4. Substitute Personnel (Certificated and Uncertificated)
    1. Candidates to work as a substitute shall be interviewed by an appropriate central office administrator prior to being authorized to work as a substitute in the Division.
      1. All substitute teacher candidates must be authorized to teach in the province of Alberta.
    2. The day-to-day hiring of approved substitute personnel for the school, whether instructional or non-instructional, shall be the responsibility of the Principal.
  5. Offers of Employment
    1. All offers of employment for instructional staff and support staff positions shall be authorized by the Superintendent unless otherwise delegated.


Administrative Procedure 400 Appendix A: Vulnerable Sector Checks


Section 33,52,53,55,68,196,197,198,199,203,204,205,222,225 Education Act

Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act


Approved: November 14, 1995

Amended: December 2, 2008; February 3, 2009; August 21, 2018

Reviewed: July 2021