Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 425: TEACHER CONTRACTS


In harmony with the School Act and the local collective agreement, the Division shall issue contracts to all teachers which they employ. Employees are hired to the Division rather than to a specific position or school.


  1. Probationary Contract
    1. All teachers beginning regular employment with the Division shall for the first year be placed on a probationary contract.
    2. At the conclusion of the first year of a probationary contract, the contract is:
      1. Cancelled.
      2. Extended for one (1) more year by mutual agreement.
      3. Changed to a continuous contract.
    3. The above decisions shall be made on the basis of the Principal's recommendations following appropriate evaluation steps.

  2. Continuous Contract
    1. Upon receipt of the Principal's recommendation that a contract be made permanent, the Superintendent shall review the staffing requirements of the Division to verify the availability of a position for that individual.
    2. Once a teacher receives a continuous contract, it remains in effect from year to year and can only be terminated by the Superintendent.

  3. Temporary Contract
    1. A temporary contract is issued when a teacher, on current staff, is replaced for part of or all of a school year due to extended illness or a leave of absence.
    2. All temporary contracts are term-specific and carry no implications in regards to continuous or probationary status.
    3. No temporary contract shall be issued until such vacancy has been:
      1. Identified by the Principal,
      2. Time frame has been established,
      3. Position has been advertised in two (2) local papers,
      4. Candidate selected as per Administrative Procedure 400.

  4. Interim Contract
    1. An interim contract shall rarely be issued by the Division; when such contract is granted it shall be:
      Job or task-specific (generally a newly created position to deal with a special situation),
    2. Term specific to a maximum of three hundred and sixty (360) teaching days.
      A successful candidate for an interim contract cannot have been on a continuous or probationary contract with the Division in the previous school year.

  5. Part-time Contract
    1. Any of the above contracts may be offered on a part-time rather than a full-time basis.
    2. Part-time implies that the teacher work for only a portion of the regular teaching day.
    3. The amount of assigned teaching time may vary from year to year.

  6. All contracts shall be issued in duplicate at the commencement of the school year or actual employment, and the original shall be signed, returned and filed at Division Office.

  7. Continuous contracts shall be issued once only and remain in effect from year to year.

  8. The Principal’s recommendations regarding probationary contracts shall be sent to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by May 15 each year.

  9. Required adjustments to any part-time contracts shall be determined by June 30 for the subsequent school year.

  10. Teachers intending to retire or resign at the end of the school year shall notify the Superintendent in writing within thirty (30) days prior.


Section 52, 53, 68, 222 Education Act

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Personal Information Protection Act

Teaching Profession Act

Certification of Teachers Regulation 3/99 (Amended A.R. 206/2001) 

Practice Review of Teachers Regulation 4/99

Ministerial Order 016/97 – Teaching Quality Standard

Ministerial Order 001/2013 – Student Learning

Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12

Practice Review of Teachers Information Bulletin 3.3.2


Approved: June 10, 2004

Amended: February 23, 2005; August 21, 2018