Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 443: Appendix A: Growth and Professional Development for Instructional Support Staff


Professional development supports student learning and enhances instructional support staff growth in knowledge, skills and practice. 


  1. Instructional support staff members shall participate in professional learning activities that are designed to enhance their growth and support student learning. These activities may include, but are not limited to, attendance at professional development workshops, conferences, collaborative work with colleagues, etc.
  2. The Division recognizes the inherent responsibility of instructional support staff members to organize and administer their professional development.
  3. The Division recognizes the need for the Central Office administration to organize and administer Division-wide professional development activities.
  4. All instructional support staff will create an annual personal, professional growth plan.
  5. The Division shall provide support/opportunities for instructional support staff growth. Instructional support members may be directed to attend professional development activities.
  6. The Central Office administration shall assume the responsibility for developing plans, dispersing funds and evaluating the success of Division professional development activities.
  7. The Division will allocate time in the yearly calendar for staff to participate in collaborative professional development.
  8. Students will be excused on specified dates for either the entire day or at the noon hour for the remainder of the school day to allow instructional support staff to participate in professional development. 
    1. Specific dates will be calendared according to Administrative Procedure 130.
  9. The Division will annually budget a specified amount per full-time equivalent for individual professional development. The Deputy Superintendent also recognizes the need to allocate resources for staff development, Division based in-service, and special needs in-service.
  10. While there is an expectation that no substitutes will be hired for release-time professional development, special requests for a provision for substitutes must be approved by the Deputy Superintendent.
  11. School-Based Instructional Support Staff Professional Development
    1. Each full-time equivalent (F.T.E.) Instructional support staff member shall be entitled to one (1) day a year for professional development.
    2. The School-Based Instructional Support Staff Professional Development Committee shall approve and allocate the funding for instructional support staff. 
      1. It shall assume accountability for its professional development funds and administer professional development at the school level. 
      2. In the event that there is no school Based Instructional Support Staff Professional Development Committee, the School Professional Development Committee shall approve and allocate the funding for instructional support staff.
      3. Funding received from the Division shall be distributed to the schools on a full-time equivalent instructional support staff basis annually.
      4. Carry over of funding from year to year is to be specifically covered by long-range plans.
      5. At least two (2) weeks prior to the requested leave, the instructional support staff member shall submit the request (Form 424-1) to the appropriate professional development representative who will:
        1. Review programs and approve appropriate requests.
        2. Submit the form to the Principal for recommendations and approval.
        3. Forward the request to the Deputy Superintendent.
      6. The Deputy Superintendent will consider the request. If the request is granted, a signed copy of the request shall be returned to the Principal.
      7. Staff members have the right to appeal all decisions to the Superintendent.
      8. Upon returning from a professional development activity, the instructional support staff member shall submit a report as determined by the Principal.
  12. Division-Based Professional Development
    1. The Deputy Superintendent may direct specific personnel or all instructional support staff to attend professional development activities. 
      1. Instructional support staff will submit the request to the Deputy Superintendent at least two (2) weeks prior to the professional development activity.
    2. The Division will pay the entire cost of the professional development activity.
    3. Upon returning from a professional development activity, the instructional support staff member shall submit a report as determined by the Principal.
  13. Growth Plans
    1. All instructional support staff on contract with the Division shall complete an annual professional growth plan that:
      1. Reflects goals and objectives based on an assessment of learning needs by the individual instructional support staff member.
      2. Takes into consideration the educational plans of the school, the Division and Alberta Education.
    2. The annual professional growth plan shall be submitted to the Principal for review by October 15.
    3. All instructional support staff shall submit a written report to the Principal regarding implementation of the growth plan prior to the end of the school year.
    4. Supervisors are encouraged to support these learning plans to the greatest extent possible in accordance with prevailing collective agreements and approved budgets. 


Section 18, 20, 60, 61, 113, 116, 117 School Act

Employment Standards Code

Labour Relations Code


Approved: April 10, 2003

Amended: June 1, 2010; August 21, 2018