Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 542: FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION


This Administrative Procedure is applicable when the Division assumes responsibility for construction of facilities. Facility construction may be required if the number and type of facilities owned by the Division are determined by the Division to be insufficient to meet educational and/or recreational goals set for the community. 


  1. Construction Costs, Estimates and Determinations
    1. Before commencement of construction of facilities, the Division shall endeavour to compile complete estimates of costs relating to the project. The Division shall determine these costs by any manner deemed acceptable to the Division in view of the project under consideration.
    2. The Division will work closely with prime consultants in the determination of these matters.
  2. Tenders
    1. Public tenders shall be used for the construction of all new schools and additions unless the Division engages itself in a scheme of construction, using its own forces.
    2. Tender calls will be made to best facilitate the schedule established for completion of the project.
    3. Tenders will be opened in public at a meeting following which the tenders will be reviewed by the Secretary-Treasurer and the project architect. 
      1. A list of bidders will be prepared and the amounts of the bids identified.
      2. This list will be available for public viewing.
    4. The review of tenders will normally be undertaken prior to the next regular meeting of the Project Planning Committee so that a recommendation(s) can be reviewed by the Project Planning Committee prior to submission to the Board through the Superintendent for final approval.
    5. The lowest tender will normally be accepted provided it meets the specifications and the firm submitting the tender is in good standing within the construction profession.
  3. Construction Contracts
    1. The Division shall, before commencing construction, require a construction contract to be signed by the Division and the Contractor for any facility contract undertaken. The terms and conditions of each contract shall encompass the terms of the tender calls for the project.
    2. The Secretary-Treasurer may delegate the drawing up of such a contract to Division staff or to outside professional advisors. 
    3. All new facilities contracts shall provide for a construction hold back, determined by the Division, which shall not be paid until the Division receives satisfactory written proof of construction completion and inspection by a designated inspector of the Division.
    4. The primary construction contractor must ensure adherence to Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
  4. Supervision of Construction
    1. The Division may assign employees or contract professional services to supervise the construction of any Division owned facilities. 
    2. Buildings undergoing major changes where contractors are on the job will have no changes made in the plans or any additions made to old rooms except on the approval of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  5. Inspection and Acceptance of New Facilities
    1. The Division shall provide for an inspection, by competent employees or contracted professional staff, of any new facility prior to acceptance of the facility. 
    2. Acceptance by the Division will be conditional on a written inspection report being developed for the facility.
  6. Public Dedication of New Facilities
    1. The Division recognizes and encourages the interest of the public in Division facility development. The Division, therefore, encourages public dedication of new facilities to inform and acquaint the public with Division activities and facilities.
  7. Memorials
    1. No individual or group of individuals shall be permitted to erect any memorial or other structure of any kind in a school building or upon school grounds except by special permission of the Board.


Section 20, 60, 61, 113, 152 School Act

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Funding Manual for School Authorities

Approved: August 21, 2018